Saturday, December 19, 2009

What is going on?

Dear Rafa Benitez,

I know that I am not the best Liverpool fan. But, please believe me that this is the first time that I openly vent my frustrations to my beloved team. I know that you're good at handling fan's criticism, but if you have the time, please read this.

Today, the team was away vs Portsmouth and we lost. I don't understand 2 things that I observed from the game; that

1) The team is playing like a "bunch of lawyers"; always do their best at arguing with the referee. You must have taught them English really well, then.

2) Although I saw the players' effort but I can't feel their determination. What are they really up to?

Frankly, I feel like having a heart attack when seeing the team that I love fail to show the "winning qualities", losing the art of making a comeback, moaning and arguing needlessly (with the referees), excellent individual but inconsistent team players.

Now onwards (until the season ends), I just hope that you will field someone that really wants to play due to their love to the team and their passion on winning. But please adjust your tactics and game approaches based on the competency of the sets of players. It is more enjoying to see the future Liverpudlians (or the "true" Liverpudlians) giving their best to grow and to fight for the team rather than seeing the "First Team" playing like the never meet each other.

Thank you.

Friday, May 8, 2009

What did I do since October 2008?

Salams to All..

It has been almost 6 months since my last post and frankly, I really missed the opportunity to share my ideas (or I love to call it as my honest opinion) with all of you.

The above headline is meant to bring all of us to recapitulate and reflect on what have we spent on during the last 6 months. Please, just ask yourselves and of course there is no right or wrong answer. Being honest to yourself is the utmost important.

Doing the right thing is a must, but it is important to do the right thing at the right time. Thats what the bosses always do...questioning our priorities and our prioritizing skills.

Lots of subjectivity in interpreting what are the right things to do and when was the approppriate time to do that; and that depends on what is your life priorities, the stage that you're at that moment and also the variety of obstacles that are around everyone.

So, for those who really loves to change and improve their life through investing, I hope that you've spent most of your time doing it during the past 6 months, irregardless of how much return that you made from that investment as of today.

If you don't, you're not wrong too.

If someone seeks to be a value investor, he/she should have tried to devote most of his time searching for the "value" and putting himself in a shoe of a value investor irregardless of whether he/she has the capital or not to execute it.

Just to let you know that since last October, KLCI continues its journey downwards and various KLCI heavyweights changing moments of being at the lowest point. The name like IOI Corporation, IJM Corporation, Maybank, TM, Bursa Malaysia, Sime Darby, MMC Corporation, WCT Engineering, Gamuda, KNM, etc... are all viewed negatively, thanks to all the contributors.

Panic is everywhere, and it is a global phenomenon.

However, in slight sarcasm, no matter how panic those so-called investors are, they should feel lucky because they can still exit the market during that moment as the buyers do exist; otherwise, the prices could have fetch zero.

So, who are the buyers? Never mind the answer.

Now, KLCI stood above 1,000 and it seems like optimism is coming back. I will assess the situation and try to publish my opinion on the current situation and try to suggest on several things to watch in the coming months.

However, the point that never regret if we missed the above-said "opportunity" because the opportunity is everywhere. Just continue to see things positively and keep believing in your own ability.