Saturday, December 19, 2009

What is going on?

Dear Rafa Benitez,

I know that I am not the best Liverpool fan. But, please believe me that this is the first time that I openly vent my frustrations to my beloved team. I know that you're good at handling fan's criticism, but if you have the time, please read this.

Today, the team was away vs Portsmouth and we lost. I don't understand 2 things that I observed from the game; that

1) The team is playing like a "bunch of lawyers"; always do their best at arguing with the referee. You must have taught them English really well, then.

2) Although I saw the players' effort but I can't feel their determination. What are they really up to?

Frankly, I feel like having a heart attack when seeing the team that I love fail to show the "winning qualities", losing the art of making a comeback, moaning and arguing needlessly (with the referees), excellent individual but inconsistent team players.

Now onwards (until the season ends), I just hope that you will field someone that really wants to play due to their love to the team and their passion on winning. But please adjust your tactics and game approaches based on the competency of the sets of players. It is more enjoying to see the future Liverpudlians (or the "true" Liverpudlians) giving their best to grow and to fight for the team rather than seeing the "First Team" playing like the never meet each other.

Thank you.

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