Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Caught by LRT Problem, Again

I don't like to arrive late to the office (Office starts at 8.45 am). Today, LRT delay caused my delay.
I think it is not the first time LRT delay occurs during the busy morning on a working day. At least, once or twice a month.
Boarding from Kelana Jaya to Bangsar daily, I must reach Kelana Jaya by 7.45 am (from my house at Damansara Damai, Sg. Buloh). Usually, I will reach Kelana Jaya at 7.15 am - 7.30 am, so that I can have my breakfast and reading newspaper at Bangsar between 7.45 am or 8.00 am to 8.30 am.
Blaming myself first, of course, I could have go out earlier, or I should have alternatives to face this "rare" occurence.
However, consider this situation:-
1. When LRT delay occurs, the demand for taxi services (at that station) also increases and leads to price increases (unlawfully, of course). Take it or leave it. I only have 1 car to drive. Kelana Jaya to Bangsar for RM20 = an increase of LRT fare by RM0.50 per day (to & from) considering no LRT breakdown guarantee.
2. Coming late to the office will not be good for the employee's record. Of course there are bosses who understand this. But, why should I owe my boss unnecessarily for his understanding in this situation? I really don't have problems with my discipline.
3. I missed my newspaper reading. I just don't know what happens...and too bad because I don't know what happened yesterday.
By the way, I am not in a mood to suggest anything on this matter. I can only hope that situations will get better and no more occurence of LRT delay. No matter how urgent it is, I won't be paying extra fare to someone who will take advantage on my situation.

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